Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Joint Press Release
24th Februari 2011


The Secretariat for the Assembly of Ulama of Asia (SHURA) and the Council Of Islamic NGOs Consultative Council (MAPIM) call on all governments and the international community to cease from issuing mere condemnation against Muammar Gaddafi and take immediate action to stop the carnage he is inflicting on his people.

We are disappointed with the repeated chariot of lame and lukewarm statements from governments especially from the UN and the UN Security Council , while the death toll as of this date has reached the 1,000 mark , a figure said to be credible by Mr Franco the Italian Foreign Minister. He is also cautioning , with the escalating violence , there will be 300,000 Libyans fleeing from Libya into Italy.

Statements thus far from the UN Secretary , the UN Security Council , the Arab League and few other countries are not stopping the carnage that is continuing in Libya.

The world should not allow the repeat of the Gaza massacre by Israel in 2008 and 2009 , when many hurled condemnation , in the face of the continued butchery of civilians .

In the case of Libya , unfortunately , the only visible action at the moment is the evacuation operation of governments to secure safety of their respective nationals .

This should not be the case. Lives could have been saved if the international communities could have anticipated the adamant style of the dictator and his immune to pressure.

The defiant Gaddafi to threaten the Libyan protestors with bloodbath should not be tolerated. He also claimed that he had "not yet ordered the use of force", warning that "when I do, everything will burn".

Gaddafi has even gone further telling his supporters to "go out and fight [anti-government protesters]".

The use of paid mercenaries , snipers , heavy artilleries and war planes to massacre his own people is madness.

Now is the time for real and firm action, lest the world allows for the bloodbath to continue as that vowed by the dictator’s son , Saif Islam Gaddafi himself.

We are recommending a 12 point list for immediate action :

1. Deploy an immediate military mission led by the UN Peacekeeper troops without delay at least into Benghazi to protect the civilians.
2. Mercenaries employed by Gaddafi must be disarmed at once.
3. All Libyan investment internationally must be frozen.
4. Humanitarian aid operation must be speedily despatch into Libya at least at the borders of Tunisia and Egypt.
5. All diplomatic relations with Libya must be suspended.
6. All internet and satellite communication must be resumed to allow international access on the current status of the civilians especially in Tripoli.
7. Humanitarian flights into and out of Tripoli must be allowed without delay.
8. No fly zone must be immediately enforced , except for humanitarian flights . Non compliance by the Libyan air force should be dealt with firmly by the Security Council.
9. Libyan membership in the UN should be suspended.
10. All defected officials must unite with the Libyan protestors and call on the arm forces to withdraw from supporting Gaddafi.
11. OIC must initiate the deployment of a special delegate to Tripoli to stop Gaddafi’s suppression on the Libyan people.

12. Gaddafi must be held accountable for the massacre of the demonstrators. He must be apprehended for crimes against humanity.

We call on all the ulama of the world to join the support extended by Syeikh Dr. Yusof Qaradhawi Chairman of the World Ulama Council , to stand in solidarity with the people of Libya to demand for Gaddafi to step down. His strong decree on Gaddafi should be heeded by all the ulama and they should stay united with him in addressing the turmoil in Libya.

Abdul Ghani Shamsuddin

Chairman of SHURA

013 350 6570

Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid

Secretary General MAPIM

019 4744 856

Kenyataan Media



019 – 4744856 / 019 – 4818687 / 016 – 4731816




TERAS menggesa pihak berkuasa dan seluruh pemimpin masyarakat dikalangan NGO dan badan politik segera bertindak untuk mengatasi gejala minum arak yang semakin berleluasa di Bandar Sungai Petani khususnya dan negeri Kedah amnya.

Tinjauan TERAS sejak dari pemerhatian lapangan yang dilakukan bersama Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang ( CAP ) di Sungai Petani pada tahun 2009 hingga kini menunjukkan gejala ini terus merebak dan bertambah.

TERAS mendapati remaja kini sangat mudah terangsang untuk minum arak akibat iklan yang mudah dilihat dikedai-kedai makan serta saluran membeli arak yang juga mudah didapati.

Tinjauan TERAS di kawasan lepak remaja seperti stesen bas, peninggalan perumahan setinggan, di kampung Selut, pusat membeli belah terkemuka di Sungai Petani, dan pusat rekreasi mendapati amat berleluasa botol-botol muniman arak disekitarnya dan ianya menunjukkan sagat ketara gejala ini berleluasa dikalangan remaja.

Bukti yang jelas dapat kami lihat dari tempat-tempat lepak anak remaja yang dipenuhi dengan botol-botol arak yang bersepah.

Kami mendapati disatu tempat tinjauan TERAS pada 19hb Feb. 2011 lalu, di Kampung Selut, Sungai Petani, Lokasi Rumah peninggalan setinggan dikampung tersebut, mendapat remaja seusia 12 tahun menjadikan tempat tersebut melepak, dan disekitar rumah tersebut bersepah dengan botol-botol minuman arak.

TERAS juga mendapati saluran membeli arak dikalangan remaja sangat mudah kerana kedai yang menjual arak kepada remaja juga agak banyak di Bandar ini termasuk kedai 24 jam serbaneka.

Arak yang murah menjadi pilihan remaja seperti jenama, Thai Song, Thai Gilr, Siam Kala, Lycheer, Old Wisky, Gold Rush dan Lain-lain lagi. Harga nya serendah RM 3.50 sebotol hingga RM 12.00.

TERAS juga mendapati rangkaian kedai serbaneka 24 jam juga dibenarkan menjual arak dan ianya diletak bersebelahan dengan minuman berkarbonat yang lain.

Membeli dan meminum arak ternyata menjadi fenomena yang luas dan TERAS berpendapat ia berada diperingkat kritikal.

TERAS menggesa supaya syarat penjualan dan minum arak diperketatkan seperti yang dikuatkuasakan di negeri Kelantan sejak 01 julai 1993 dimana meminum arak ditempat awam, di Hotel, kedai makan, dan restoran adalah dilarang.

TERAS mendesak agar pihak berkuasa menyemak semula pengeluaran dan pembaharuan lessen menjual arak di Sungai Petani khususnya dan diseluruh Kedah amnya.

TERAS menuntut supaya pihak berkuasa menghadkan pengeluaran lesen menjual arak seminima mungkin agar gejala membeli dan meminum arak dengan mudah dikurangkan dikalangan remaja.

Pihak Jabatan Kastam dan Eksasi digesa supaya melakukan tinjauan agar semua syarat penjualan arak dipremis-premis perniagaan dipenuhi. Jika tidak tindakan tegas membatalkan lesen hendaklah dilakukan.

TERAS juga menggesa supaya kempen besar-besaran terhadap bahaya serta mudarat arak dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan negeri. Semua peringkat agensi kerajaan dan badan – badan NGO hendaklah digembleng untuk mengatasi fenomena yang merbahaya ini berterusan.



Gambar : Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid dan Kamaruddin Kassim menunjukkan Gambar remaja yang meminum arak dan botol arak yang mudah diperolehi disekitar Bandar Sungai Petani ( Tempat Remaja Melepak ).

Gambar : Botol – Botol arak mudah dilihat disekitar Bandar Sungai Petani di tempat remaja melepak. Ada sesetengah botol arak ini mempunyai tag yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Kastam dan Eksasi.

Gambar : Botol – Botol arak mudah dilihat disekitar Bandar Sungai Petani di tempat remaja melepak. Gambar Bawah : Remaja yang telah memunim arak tidak sedarkan diri setelah 2 botol dimunim.